Don’t put yourself in a little box with a deadline fastened to the top..

‘Be The Light’ – Out 25th August 2023

Just after my 40th birthday, I realised I was struggling mentally with the prospect of being in the fifth decade of my life with many unfulfilled ambitions. It was incomprehensible to me in some ways that I had reached forty so quickly. It played on my mind a lot and as I looked forward into the years ahead, I considered the possibility that some ambitions may now have become unachievable.

Having tried so hard to become a mother with no success, 40 really did feel like the end of the road. It also felt like my music ambitions may have had their day too, given that most of the 40 year old women I knew were working in ‘normal’ careers while bringing up their children and/or climbing professional ladders.

I genuinely felt very lost and unsure

“So many people saying, there comes a time when it’s all a little too late. Looking out every window wondering how I got here to this unexpected place…”

It’s not in my nature to dwell though, and I understood that I could either continue feeling disappointed about unfilled ambitions or I could power on. I decided to power on, knowing that what you desire and wish to do never leaves you.

I wrote ‘Be The Light’ when I was finding my way through that doubt and desire. It’s a song that embraces the feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty but confirms that the fire inside of us is so much more powerful that anything else.

I am well aware that so many people feel like they have to let things go at a certain point in life. It can be really difficult to try and see past the obstacles or the lack of opportunities but when there is still fuel left in the tank, it would be really regretful not to use it.

Be The Light is available to stream or download from all digital music stores.

Words and Music by Sinéad McNally 2023

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